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Telehealth That's Actually About Health

11 Apr 2024

There are plenty of online services offering telehealth, but the standard of healthcare can be very different from one to the other. What makes Our Sage different to other telehealth providers, is its solid foundation in healthcare.

Telehealth is no longer just a temporary COVID-19 pandemic healthcare solution

In 2024, Telehealth has a new place as a transformative approach to delivering remote healthcare that is reshaping the Australian healthcare landscape. With access to GPs becoming a nation-wide concern, an increasing number of Australians are turning to telehealth services to speak to a qualified GP, at a time and place that suits them.

Telehealth has the potential to further transform the Australian healthcare system, making healthcare more accessible, efficient, and patient-centred. Telehealth services like Our Sage can connect you to an Australian-registered GP within minutes.

All telehealth providers are not the same

There are plenty of online services offering telehealth, but the standard of healthcare can be very different from one to the other. When you go to a medical centre, you can trust you’re getting medical advice from a licenced, Australian-registered GP. Unfortunately, the same isn’t always true when you use a telehealth provider.

Our Sage - backed by genuine healthcare

What makes Our Sage different to other telehealth providers, is its solid foundation in healthcare, backed by a genuine primary healthcare company with a history of delivering quality healthcare in Australia via the Our Medical centres.

Our Sage takes the same patient-focused approach that Our Medical’s network of physical medical centres is known for and brings it online. The network of Our Sage doctors are all licenced, Australian-registered GPs who are specially trained and experienced in providing healthcare advice over the phone.

Via telehealth, Our Sage is making healthcare more accessible, efficient, and patient-centred. You can easily book a consult from the Our Sage website or Our Sage app no matter where you are in Australia, all you need is a mobile phone and a quiet space.

Telehealth services via Our Sage are available 7am – 11pm AEST, every day, including weekends and public holidays so you have the peace of mind knowing you can speak to a real GP for:

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