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Need a specialist referral quickly? Speak to a telehealth GP, every day from 7am-11pm AEST.

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What is a Specialist and Why Would I Need One?

Specialist doctors are medical practitioners with advanced knowledge and training in specific areas of medicine, such as Cardiology, Psychiatry, or Gastroenterology. These specialists focus on particular health issues that require a higher level of expertise than what a general practitioner (GP) can provide.

Why Are Specialist Referrals Important?

Referrals serve two main purposes:

  1. Medical Handover: They provide the specialist with your medical history and current health details, ensuring you get the right treatment.
  2. Medicare Rebates: A valid referral to a specialist is needed to claim Medicare rebates for specialist consultations. Without it, you’ll have to cover the full cost yourself.

Types of Specialist Referrals

There are various types of specialist referrals that your GP might issue, depending on your specific health needs:

  • General Specialist Referrals Are the most common referrals and are issued when your GP identifies a need for you to see a specialist in a specific field, such as a cardiologist for heart issues or a dermatologist for skin conditions.
  • Urgent Referrals In cases where immediate specialist attention is required, your GP may issue an urgent referral, prioritising your appointment to ensure timely care.
  • Ongoing Management Referrals For chronic or long-term conditions, your GP might refer you to a specialist for ongoing management. This could involve regular visits over an extended period.
  • Second Opinion Referrals If you or your GP feels that an additional perspective is needed, you may be referred to another specialist for a second opinion.

How Long Do Specialist Referrals Last?

Referral validity varies by state:

  • New South Wales and Victoria: Generally valid for three months.
  • Western Australia: Valid for six months.

Your GP can extend or renew the referral if specialist wait times exceed these periods.

Frequently asked questions about Specialist Referrals

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